Aimee, a gymgoer, said she left the gym due to a lot of sexual harassment. Other women stated they didn’t want to go to the gym. It is because of sexual harassment from men.
A lot of women quit the gym, and it isn’t comforting. The women started calling out this issue.
Aimee, 28, said she had to quit going to the gym. It is because of “scandalous comments.” She noticed men watching her and gawking at her. It is especially at a particular time of the day.
Tammy Platten felt terrible and lost confidence after attending mixed gyms.
In a BBC interview, Aimee states, “There is a comment after a treadmill run.”
She states that she can use simple machines. However, men are telling her how to operate it. There is a lot of interruption. This incident affects a lot of females.
Based on research in 2021, a lot of female gymgoers get harassed. Men gave the women a lot of nasty, sexual comments.
Sexual Harassment Makes Woman Stop Exercising
The whole survey found that many women avoided exercising at the gym. It made them feel uncomfortable to work out with a man.
Aimee believes that the behavior is unacceptable. However, nobody reports it.
“Women also feel embarrassed that they have to report it. In the end, nothing gets done.”
Drawing on their past experiences, Tammy, 40, states something important. She said she would quit exercising if she were in a women’s gym. She said she went to two gyms. It felt out of place, so she didn’t return.
Some men were staring at her. It made her feel bad, so she didn’t go back. It felt demoralizing. Platten states women need to “stand together” on this problem.
Platten added that women should not push out any issues. They should have their own space. A model, Kaylee, 35, stated there were a lot of comments on the figure.
“It made all the women start to run away,” Kaylee states.
Ms. Carver says that she opened a gym for women. “I found that a lot of women faced this issue and came to my gym.”
Woman Feels Enthusiastic About Women’s Gym
Another gym enthusiast, Elena, is optimistic about a women’s gym.
Elena states, “A year ago, I hit the gym three times a week. I wish there was an all-woman gym. I was actually stalked by a man in the poolside.”
“He was older than me, and he swam on the same track. The man wanted to talk to me. I felt very uncomfortable.”
“Women don’t do this.”
Mikalia from PR states, “I only went to a women’s gym once a while. Now I went to a mixed gym, and I am having difficulties.”
“It is terrible when you go to a gym full of hot-headed young men.”
“Moreover, it is intimidation. I like to try out new equipment. Yet, in the end, I end up with cardio because of judgements. I even fear the feeling of myself doing the workout wrong.”
Exercising with women will give them peace of mind.
A brand founder states, “A women-only gym makes a big difference.”
There are also a lot of local women’s health clubs, and they were great. “It was great to exercise or swim without feeling self-conscious.”
Wearing workout outfits and looking like a complete mess is excellent.